So I found out on Friday that my Grandma Pedersen isn't going to be with us much longer. She has been acting really loopy for that last like 2 weeks or so and everyone just thought she was old, or stressed from Christmas or whatever. She had been sick and was dehydrated, so when my aunt found her in the kitchen walking in circles because she couldn't make the potato salad for all the people who were coming to stay at her house (they weren't coming for 2 more days and it was just my aunt and uncle ) she decided to call her doctor.
He said to bring her in so they could get some fluids in her and maybe that would help.
Fluids were given.
Scans were done.
Masses were found.
They found one on her brain, and some in her lungs. A year at the most if she does the radiation, and they're talking weeks if she doesn't. She already said that she would not do chemo period, so I don't know how the radiation thing is going to go. I almost think she won't do it because she already knows that it isn't going to make her better, but I don't know.
This is going to be a bad year or less. For everyone. I haven't talked to my grand parents for a few years. I saw them and talked to them for a couple of hours this summer, but that's it. I think that's the biggest part of me being upset. The other part is that this is the first time I'm old enough to be affected by losing someone in my family, and I'm realizing what that feels like.
So far my mom is doing alright. But she isn't an emotional person at all, so I don't really know how she is.
I'll keep you all updated.
Thanks for listening!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Grandma Pedersen
Posted by Chelsea at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
I was just reading some of Mel's first posts (I should be doing some type of work I'm sure) and I still can't decide why it makes me cry.
Mostly, because I have a heart, and though I don't have anywhere close to an idea of what she was and still is feeling, I feel so grateful that it didn't happen to me because she is a lot stronger than me. Not that I would wish it on my worst enemy, but just hearing the things she was feeling and how she was trying to deal with this, it makes my heart hurt.
I feel grateful for Dave, and that I have this chance to love him and build a life with him. I'm grateful that he got to come home to me, and I didn't have to feel what Mel is feeling. Grateful that I will never know what it's like to lose the love of my life to war that I'm not sure I even understand. He is such a great man, and treats me like a queen, and I will always love him no matter what happens. He doesn't like it when I get all gushy on him, but sometimes I just have flashbacks of what I was feeling while he was gone. I kind of have to catch my breath and fight the tears back. I still have a hard time leaving him or him leaving me, like overnight. My mom calls it my "post-traumatic seperation anxiety" :) I think its because I know what saying goodbye meant those two times we did it, and I don't want to do it ever again.
I was a shell of myself for those 2 sets of 7 months.I couldn't sleep, because I have a very active sub-concious anyway. Throw Iraq in there and it just gets messy. I made myself not sleep because I just felt like I shouldn't put myself in that situation. Everytime my phone rang, I got excited and terrified all at the same time. To hear his voice so far away and so close, was the greatest feeling I could ever imagine. Then he would say goodbye, and it started all over again.
I don't know how I did it, but I did. And I'm grateful to Mel, and all Military Widows, for being strong enough to handle this so the not so strong among us don't have to. Though I know none of them want to be the strong one, I love them all for it. I wish I could give them all a hug and a kiss and tell them that.
I love my husband with all my heart, and I don't ever want to lose him. I just hope he knows how much.
Enough of that sob session! Its 4:56 on Friday and Me and Dave are going to Chili's tonight!!!
Ha Det!
Posted by Chelsea at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Get Excited!....NOW!!!!!
Okay everyone, it is time for you all to be as excited as I have been for the whole day.

They have cast Edward for the Twilight movie. *screams* It is Robert Pattinson, the guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter. Umm...yummy? Yeah, he is.
They cast Bella awhile ago. Kristen Stewart. I think she will be good. Pail, red hair. Its gonna be great. These are the only two that they have announced, but they better hurry up. Production is set to start in February. AHHHHHHH!!!!

I haven't been this excited for a movie since Harry Potter. I know that makes me sound like a super nerd, but I don't care. Its gonna be great!
You can all enjoy looking at his picture, I'm gonna go dig up some more dirt.
Ha Det!
Posted by Chelsea at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Some sad news

Posted by Chelsea at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
tHe NeW fUrNiTuRe!!!

Posted by Chelsea at 8:17 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving has come and gone, as well as the dreaded Black Friday. I wasn't going to go anywhere yesterday, becuase I knew it was going to be crazy. But, we decided to go to RC Willey to see what we could see, and I got new couches!
We've been looking at these couches for awhile, and now we finally got them. I'm pretty excited. They are getting delivered today, sometime between 2 and when the truck is empty. We could be sitting here for awhile.
If they get here at a decent time, I'm gonna put my Christmas Tree up. I'm happy about that. Except that I don't think I remember where I put the ribbons. Bummer.
I have to go get in the shower so that we can take the dog to the park. She is freakin bored and she is pissing me off. I hope everyone had a great holiday!
I'll see you cats on the flip flop!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:33 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Well, we just had dinner, and it was not fried but it was damn good! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Posted by Chelsea at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I am way too smart for my own good! I figured it out and I didn't even have to ask Dave for help! :)
Posted by Chelsea at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Mindless ranting
So the post below was me trying to figure out mobile blogging. I figured it out, but I can't figure out how to send pictures from my phone to this here blog. I'm going to google it later and see if I can find anything. That way, I can take pictures of the wonderful, probably deep-fried, turkey that my mother and father-in-law are making for us to eat tomorrow. I can make you all jealous! *insert evil laugh here*
I love my mom's cooking. I try to make stuff that she made me growing up, and mostly it just doesn't taste the same. Anyway, my mom makes some good food. But my father-in-law can fry a turkey. So tasty. I hope that's how he does it tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. Except....I've never been to a holiday dinner at the Nelson's house before. Not that I'm still feeling weird around Dave's family, because I'm pretty much over that (especially since I'm not the newest anymore), but I don't know how holidays work in there family.
The first Christmas me and Dave were together, I had my annual Christmas flu, and he insisted that I come over. His whole family was playing games and we went upstairs and watched t.v. I threw up a few times in his mom's bathroom (awkward) and everyone downstairs heard me. The next Christmas, he was in Iraq, and called me while I was in bed with...the flu. We were talking and I told him that he either needed to hold on for like 5 minutes or just call everyone else and then call me back because my head had a meeting with the toilet. He waited :)
The first Christmas we were married, he couldn't get leave so that we could come home. :( That was a sad year. So that means that this is our first holiday season here at home together. Its a big year. Except my mom isn't cooking which makes me sad. I like my mom's cooking. But she said she would make dessert. Which is okay with me!
I'm gonna go figure out how to work my phone!
See ya!
Posted by Chelsea at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Just a little update pertaining to my earlier post.
I called my husband to ask him if he knew how much he was getting from his GI bill. He asked why I wanted to know suddenly, and I told about my decision and that I wanted to start school. And he said, "LAME. That's lame."
What a jerk!
Posted by Chelsea at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Life in general
I think I have figured out what I want to do with my life. I decided I want to be an Event/Wedding planner.
I don't know where this epiphony came from, but I think this is really what I want to do. Start my own business and be my own boss. I've always wanted to be my own boss, I just didn't know what I wanted to do enough to decide.
I've already started looking into classes. Which does mean going back to school, but I think it will be different this time.
I hated high school because I couldn't stand the way people acted. I just wanted to pass out flyers that said, "Grow up! K, great, thanks." Everyone just acted immature and it got really old after 6 years of being with pretty much the same people. Hopefully, people in college will be more grounded and act their age. Wishful thinking? God I hope not.
I'm feeling pretty excited about this decision. Me and Dave are both going to enroll for spring semester. He wants to get his math and whatever else he needs done to go to the U of U that will be cheaper to do at SLCC. Me? I'm okay with getting everything I need done at SLCC. I don't feel like the university atmosphere would agree with me. Don't ask me why, that's just how I feel. If I can convince my sister to go to school for Culinary arts like she should, we could go into business together, and then I wouldn't have to worry about finding a vendor for food.
Posted by Chelsea at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
My old friend
I have an old, dear friend (I sound like I'm 90) that I used to be extremely close with. We would hang out together on a regular basis, have sleepovers, the usual things that grade-schoolers do.
I remember the last time I saw her, I believe it was the last time anyway. She had a party. It may have been a birthday party or it may have been a going away party. We went to Raging Waters. That is just about the coolest place you could go in 3rd or 4th grade except Lagoon.
I had to leave early. I don't remember why, but I remember standing on the sidewalk by the parking lot by myself waiting for my mom. I don't think I know why she moved to Michigan, but she was gone. My dearest friend since I could remember. The only one I kept after I moved to a new house. And then she moved to a new state and we didn't keep in touch.
I remember that she called me on the phone once, she probably called more but I only remember this one. I was so excited when my mom said it was her on the phone, but when I picked up, I found there wasn't much to say.
I miss her greatly and have recently found her again. We converse with each other, but only on very rare occasions. She has a very, no extremely, busy life and I am so happy for her. I know I couldn't do it, but then I know I'm not Kimberly.
Posted by Chelsea at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My boss's son and his girlfriend broke the news awhile ago that they were pregnant. It was a shocker for her family, of course, but what can you do.
Not long after, they broke the news that it was twins. *SHOCK* After that, everyone had gotten used to the idea that there was going to be new babies in the family and that they were going to be a grandma, grandpa, aunt, etc.
Ashley, the girlfriend, was supposed to have her find out what they are appointment this coming Friday. It was going to be an excitng day. Note the key word 'was'.
My boss, Donna, didn't come to work yesterday. Ashley was in the hospital and she lost the babies. Both of them. 2 little girls who were born alive and then closed their eyes and went back to sleep. Talya (gift from god) and Neveah (Na-vay-ah heaven spelled backwards). Needless to say Donna is upset and everyone is asking her questions and she keeps crying.
I asked her one thing when I got to work this morning..."how are you doing". Though I new the answer, I still needed to ask. I couldn't just walk by her office and not say anything. I couldn't say I'm sorry, or I know how you feel. Because I don't know how they are feeling, and sorry just isn't close to enough.
I am telling this story because this is the only reason that I am scared to get pregnant. I don't want to get attached to the idea of finally having a baby and then just suddenly its gone. I wouldn't be able to handle that. I always tell Dave that if that happens, to just hold me. And not to let me go until I say its okay. It would be the worst day of my life if that happened to me.
Posted by Chelsea at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It has been such a long time!

Posted by Chelsea at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 28, 2007
I think I'm getting old
I think I'm getting old.
Yesterday, at about 3 or so, my hip started to hurt. Like I turned it funny and it needed to pop back into place. When I got home from work, Dave said why are you walking stupid? I said my hip hurts, its fine.
I went to my mom's and she took me and my sister to dinner at the greatest Chinese Place EVER! and it felt like it did before, a little uncomfortable. When we got up from the table to go back home, that's when I started having to limp and turn my leg all stupid so that it didn't send shooting pains through my leg.
"What's wrong?" they said. Oh my hip is just hurting me its fine. We went to my mom's house to watch the CSI premeire (it was incredibly awesome by the way) I got up at about 8:30 to get some treats out of the kitchen, and had to bend to one said so that I didn't have to lift my leg up too high. I laid back down.
When I got up 11:00 and tried to walk out to the truck for Dave to take us home, I could barely walk. I was almost in tears with every step I took. I slept with 2 pillows between my legs to keep it up, and I woke up this morning and absolutely no change. I don't think its worse, but it definetly isn't better.
What's wrong with me? :(
Posted by Chelsea at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
My sister-in-law...
So I have a sister-in-law, Tell, I love her, she's a great person and she's been in the family for a long time. I don't want this to sound like a hate her, and I never want to see her again, and why did my brother marry her? because its not like that even a tiny bit. I love her. She is a sister to me.
Lately she has been having an attitude where I just want to say, "You're almost 30 years old, grow up!" She keeps getting mad about stupid things, and she can have an opinion about something but if you have a different opinion about it, it turns into an argument. She'll say things like why are you always so negative about it, or (my personal favorite) why is it okay for you to think that or feel that and its not okay for me. You don't even have to say something that makes it sound like you're trying to make it a bad thing that she feels like that. She just thinks it because, well I don't why.
We had my nephew's birthday party on Saturday, and obviously she was there, its her son. I've been thinking about cutting my hair and showed everyone a picture of what I kind of want it to look like. My sister said yeah, I think that will be really cute. I showed Tell, and she immediately started saying how much she hated it, and it wouldn't look good on me, and I have a good thing going I should just stick with it. Also, I'm just telling you now so that when you do it and ask me you don't get mad because I say I don't like it.
I went into the bathroom, and I heard her say it doesn't matter what I think she can do whatever she wants. I heard my mom say don't worry she will ( I love my Mommy!) And Tell said, I just don't want her to get her little attitude with me because nothing pisses me off more than that. And my mom said something else but I didn't hear it because I flushed the toilet.
Then my sister starts changing her story. Oh it looks like that? I thought it was different. No, I don't like it. And then she turns into Tell. I had been with her that whole day, cutting and coloring her hair, getting her oil changed and she was fine! Then when she gets around Shantell, she starts being a brat as well.
It just makes me mad sometimes you know. And she isn't like that all the time, but sometimes, and it makes me mad, because there isn't an apology, she just continues on like nothing ever happened. I do love her, she has done a lot for me, and I am so grateful for her, I just wish she wouldn't be so bratty sometimes!
Posted by Chelsea at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I've recently become fascinated with a girl, whom I've never met, never really talked to except through messages, and don't even know. I got a newsletter in my email from about two ladies they were going to talk to who lost someone in Iraq. The talked about one woman who's husband was killed and they have 5 kids, and they talked about Melissa who lost her fiancee. There was a link that said "Read her blog here." So I did. And every day since. That's actually how I came to be on this here blogger :)
Everytime there is a new post on her blog, I tell my husband about it that night. About how she is feeling, what she did the day she found out, her vent sessions like yesterday. When I was telling him about that last night, I said to him, "I don't think I know what really happened. I don't think she has ever said." I went and looked through all her posts, again, to see if maybe I just didn't remember, but there was nothing. Dave said it was probably a humvee or some kind of truck because that's usually how it happens. But I didn't know.
This morning, I get to work, and wouldn't you know it: Her new post has a link to a guy they call Badger's story. He was there, on the radios, overseeing the convoys to retrieve a CH-46 that went down. One of those was her fiancee Jim's convoys. They were attacked and one of the RPG's or whatever it was the insurgents were using hit right where Jim was sitting.
You might ask, "How can she be so fascinated by this person that she doesn't know?" If you know what its like to worry about you're husband or boyfriend or dad or brother, and they read her story so you know what it feels like not to have to worry anymore because they got the ultimate ticket out of harms way you'd know. I'm fascinated by her, proud of her, and heart-broken for her. There are so many emotions that tie into this story because I know how it feels to have to worry, Dave was deployed for 14 months. I know what it feels like to have you're heart drop to the floor everytime the phone rings. I don't, however, know what it feels like to have him come home and not be able to hug him, or kiss him, or laugh with him, or hold his hand ever again.
She has gone through so much heartache, and pain, and just shitty-ness, yet she still gets up every morning even when she feels like she can't. She goes to work, to the same place she found out he was gone, everyday and has to deal with those feelings everyday. And she has to wake up from a dream she is having about Jim only to have to those dreams shattered, because she does wake up, she does go to work, and she does have to realize everyday that he is gone. But she does, and because of that I know she is a stronger woman than I could ever hope to be.
I tell her every so often, that I'm so sorry for her. She probably gets sick of hearing it, but it's the only thing I know how to say. I can't tell her I understand, I don't. I can't tell her I know how she is feeling, because I don't.
Sorry is the only word I can use that fits. I told her once to keep her head up, and a tissue in her hand. I felt that was appropriate. Because she is still normal, and so strong, and still living her life day to day, even when she feels like she can't or it would be easier to just cry in her bed. I love her for that.
I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but I'm writing it anyway. I want people to know what its like to have to feel that way. To have to die inside everyday, but still go on. She's 19 years old and lost her true love, and is still going because she knows there is something else, something bigger than her or Jim or any of us. If you are reading this, please read her blog. And then you can know why I feel the way I do.
Posted by Chelsea at 8:51 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I'm so happy right now!!!
I'm so happy right now! My Very best friend in the world that I haven't seen for like 6 months and haven't talked to in like 4 months just called, and I'm so happy. I miss her so much. It sucked when I lived in California because I only got to see her for like 3 hours every 3 months. We're gonna hang out on Saturday because she is a very busy girl, and I can't wait!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lets see how this goes
So...I'm new to this whole blog thing. We're gonna see how it goes.
We went to Bear Lake this weekend. We were supposed to have a bunch of friends come up with us. None of them did. One couple bailed at 3 on Friday, the other started to come up, and got a non-fixable flat tire. Needless to say they didn't make it. So it was just me and Dave and the dog.
It was a little bit chilly up there this time(it didn't rain like the last time though), the water was way too cold for swimming. The dog liked it though. And then she jumped on me and gave me a scratch/bruise all the way down my calf. It looks like a stocking seam. Its nice. I have bruises all over my legs. People probably think my husband does a really bad job of beating me. He doesn't by the way. He's the greatest ever! and I love him!!!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:12 AM 0 comments