It has been a way long time since I have been on here. I guess my life just isn't as exciting as I thought it was. What has happened? 

Lets see...
Me and Dave just had a weekend of free tickets. My sister got hockey tickets from her work and couldn't go so she gave them to us for Friday. I have never seen a hockey game in my whole life, and it is now my new favorite sport to watch. AWESOME!!
My brother-in-law was going out of town and has season tickets to the University of Utah football games. So we got to go to that. It was way fun, and I hate football like nothing else. That was on Saturday.
Sunday was the Ozzy/Rob Zombie concert. We really wanted to go but tickets sold out super
fast, and they were a little price-y for people who wanted to see anything. My friend's boyfriend had to get on a plane Sunday morning to go to Florida to say a last goodbye to his Grandma, and she didn't want to go to the concert without him. She gave us the tickets. It was the greatest concert I have ever been to in my entire life. Luckily I had Monday off for Veteran's Day (floating holiday) because I was super tired. My poor Veteran husband didn't get the day off. Poor guy.

The picture of me and Dave are us being super excited and rockstar before leaving for the show. One is of the big screen they had that said Ozzy was coming out next *insert scream here*. The third is a picture of the screen that Zakk F*ING Wylde was on shredding his guitar! He is so freakin amazing I almost can't even handle it.
It really was an amazing show. Rob Zombie was really good but I only got 2 pictures of hime and they were both blury.

For right now, that's all I've got. So to all of you out there in blogger land...Stay Classy :)
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