Okay, I don't want to get in trouble if I'm not supposed to have it. They can't even post it on stepheniemeyer.com. So if you want to read it, go to the website, and click on the Entertainment Weekly link.
Friday, May 30, 2008
So today has already been such a great day. The first title order I got this morning was for my Grandpa's house. POW!
I wasn't expecting it. I knew he had gotten a really good offer, but I didn't know anything was happening yet. I just sat at my desk and cried while I put it in the computer. Luckily no one walked past until after I pulled myself together.
I'm trying not to let it ruin my whole day. Because if I have a bad day today, there is a very good possibility that it will ruin my weekend. Not gonna do it!
This came after I dropped my book on my face last night, and realized that it smells like my grandma's house. (I got a bunch of books of hers after she died, just to fill you in so you don't think I'm nuts.) I was reading in bed, and I started to drift and dropped my book on my face. It woke me up, of course, but I could smell the pages. They smelled just like the upstairs shelf room where most of the old ones were. There is a lot of Grandma stuff happening lately, and I'm not a fan.
I was cleaning my apartment last night, and realized that I really have nowhere to put all those books that I got. They're all stacked on the kitchen table. Maybe we can go to Ikea tomorrow and get a little bookshelf and a bed. I really want a bed. This bed to be precise. With all my stuff on it of course. I keep trying to talk Dave into it, and he keeps stalling. I want to be able to lean up to read at night. It would be a lot more comfortable.
Anyway, I'm gonna go study my Notary Test packet again, so that I can take the stupid test.
Ha Det!
Posted by Chelsea at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!! *updated* (because apparently I was still asleep when I wrote this)
Wishing all my blog friends who are moms a Hapy and Wonderful Mother's Day!!!!
I hope you all have a great one!
(sorry for any confusion my stupidity caused)
Posted by Chelsea at 10:21 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Anniversary to me!
Posted by Chelsea at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
When You can Live Forever, What do You Live For?
So as you can all see, I have started my countdown to the release of the Twilight movie. I can't even begin to explain to you how crazy obsessed I am with it! I am just so excited. They put the trailer on Myspace yesterday and I have watched it a million times. For any of you who would like to do the same, here it is!!!
Twilight in HD
I am contemplating having a Twilight party, sometime closer to when the movie is coming out. Possibly the night of. I haven't officially decided yet. Plus, I only know of two other people who are as obsessed as I am with this book, and one of them is currently not speaking to the family because she is a *****. Oh well, I guess she'll just miss out.
Posted by Chelsea at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
So tomorrow is May 3,2007. And here in Salt Lake, that means that David Beckham and the L.A. Galaxy are coming to play REAL Salt Lake. Problem: I have no one to go with because Dave is working and my sister won't go with me because, well because she's dumb. She thinks my obsession with Mr. Beckham is dumb. Pssh! Whatever!
Do you even know how bummed I am about that. I want to see Becks play :( Maybe Alyse would go with me. Unless she is working or going to Cedar City to see her boy. Again.
I'll let you all know how it goes, and if I get to see my crush play tomorrow.
Oh no. Am I blushing?
Posted by Chelsea at 8:24 AM 0 comments